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Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020 will be held on 11-12 November 2020. Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020 will focus on measures to fasten digitization of Indonesia’s financial services with particular objective to accelerate national economic recovery. Highlights of discussion include: (i) Digitization of Indonesia’s payment system and its impact to the economy; (ii) Digital finance innovation: SupTech and RegTech; (iii) Technology and infrastructure of fintech; and (iv) Development of Fintech Syariah in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020 is a series of events that serve as a medium for government/regulator, fintech startups, and other key stakeholders in Indonesia’s digital finance ecosystem (including e-commerce platforms) to undertake concerted effort in accelerating national economic recovery through adoption of fintech. Utilizing the momentum of the National Online Shopping Day (Hari Belanja Online Nasional/Harbolnas) promotion, 11 November 2020 will mark the kick-off of Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020. For two weeks (11-25 November 2020), Financial Services Providers/Digital Financial Services Providers, especially customer-facing fintech, will offer incentives/discount/special promotion to their existing and new customers. During this period, there will also be various initiatives and activities held to increase digital financial literacy amongst public and MSMEs as well.
Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020 will focus on measures to fasten digitization of Indonesia’s financial services with particular objective to accelerate national economic recovery. Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020 also serves as a strategic venue for fintech industry players to meet and discuss with other key stakeholders in the industry, including regulators, about issues relevant to the industry. Meanwhile, Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020 aims to increase fintech adoption in the market by amplifying online shopping campaign/promotion. It also shows a collaboration within the Indonesia’s digital economy ecosystem with objective to support national economic recovery. Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020 also aims to increase digital financial literacy amongst public and MSMEs.
The Central Bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia/BI), the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK), the Indonesian FinTech Association (Asosiasi FinTech Indonesia/AFTECH), and the Indonesian Sharia Fintech Association (Asosiasi Fintech Syariah Indonesia/AFSI) co-organize Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020 and Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020.
In two days (11-12 November 2020), Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020 will present various sessions such as Keynote Speech, Fintech Visionary Talk, Highlighter Session, Meet the Legend, InTheLimeLight, and more than ten breakout sessions. In two weeks (11-25 November 2020), Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020 will present various activities such as webinar, workshop, FinTech Talk, Media Clinic, Expert Gym, Expert Lab, and other educative programs, which are hosted by BI, OJK, AFTECH, AFSI, and participating companies with objective to increase digital financial literacy amongst public and MSMEs.
More than 80 speakers, both national and international, will speak in Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020. The speakers, amongst others, include President RI Joko Widodo, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs RI, Governor of Bank Indonesia, Chairman of OJK, and the Minister of Finance RI. Other speakers include fintech industry leaders, business practitioners, and academia.
Financial inclusion is defined as the availability and equality of opportunities to access financial services
As an audience, you can register to attend Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020 and various activities during Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020. All series of activities are free of charge. As a fintech company and other financial services provider, you can use the official logo and design template to support Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020, so that the incentives/discount/special promotion offered by your company will be included as part of Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020 campaign.
Government or public institution can be a supporting partner for Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020 and Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020. The logo of government or public institution will then be included in Indonesia Fintech Summit 2020 and Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020 publication and/or promotional material. For further information, please reach out to us through email.